Supporting A Healthier Lifestyle And Living To The Fullest.

Welcome to our health-conscious, alcohol-free bar, where we're dedicated to promoting a vibrant lifestyle that allows you to live life to the fullest. At our establishment, we prioritize your well-being by offering a unique space for socializing without the need for alcohol. Our commitment to a healthier lifestyle extends beyond the typical bar experience.

Enjoy a range of delicious, non-alcoholic beverages crafted with wellness in mind. From refreshing mocktails to energizing elixirs, our menu is designed to support your physical and mental health. Explore a mindful approach to socializing, where you can connect with others in an environment that fosters positive choices and well-being. Join us in redefining the bar scene, making conscious decisions for a healthier, more fulfilling life. Cheers to a vibrant, alcohol-free lifestyle!

Drinks That Will Give You The Buzz Without The Alcohol.

Experience the joy of socializing without the aftereffects of alcohol, as our diverse range of non-alcoholic drinks ensures that every moment is filled with refreshment and satisfaction. Whether you're looking for a crisp, alcohol-free alternative for a casual get-together or a sophisticated beverage to complement your upscale events, our collection offers an enticing solution for those seeking a buzz without compromise. Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with our premium selection today!

Special Experiences And Resident Nights.

At the forefront of plant-based social meetups is an exhilarating ambiance where enthusiasts gather to celebrate innovative plant-based drinks powered by botanical’s. Amidst the lively exchange of refreshing recipes and discussions on beverage choices, the atmosphere is charged with positive energy. Attendees not only depart with newfound drink ideas but also carry the warmth of a supportive community and a shared commitment to a healthier, compassionate lifestyle, making these events a truly amazing and uplifting experience.

Live Performers And Artists.

At our bar, brilliant live performances steal the spotlight, turning every visit into a memorable experience. Whether it's a dynamic live DJ, a captivating solo act, or resident specials, our diverse lineup guarantees a night filled with energy and excitement. Join us for a celebration of talent and entertainment, where each visit promises an unforgettable fusion of music, dance and joy.

In Nature Nothing is Perfect And Everything is Perfect
— Alice Walker

KickStarter Rewards

KickStarter Rewards

Come join us on a community journey and take part in our KickStarter crowd fund offerings. Take a look on our page by following the link below and you’ll be able to see how you can get involved and claim you rewards. Going live soon, register your interest now. Don’t miss it out only 45 days of opportunity!

kickStarter page


Feel free to contact us with any questions or event bookings.


